In 2011 a very special person came into our lives. She brought with her fun, laughter, friendship, compassion and love and she quickly became part of our family. She shared her special personality with our clients, our team of vets, nurses and receptionists and used her hugely devoted love and compassion to care for the little furry pets that we tend to every day, in her very special way. Tragically, Kyla was taken from us in a car accident in June 2014 aged 27.
No words can express the loss that we all feel.
We will all miss you terribly, Kyla. Thank you for touching each one of us. In our hearts, a part of you will always be there.
Our love goes out to Kyla’s family.
John, Tracy, Virginia, Tiffany, Sarah, Kate, Michaela & Shayne.
Many people have asked if they can donate money rather than spending it on flowers. Kyla was not a flower girl, she liked receiving flowers, as girls do, but she always saw it as a waste.
As a result we have set up a channel to allow people to contribute to Kyla's Furry Friends instead.
The money we receive will be credited to a client account on our database called Kyla's Furry Friends. Our nurses, receptionists and vets here at the Hospital will together select which pets could be helped using the funds. Our aim will be to fulfil Kyla's desire - to provide help to those pets whose owners cannot afford treatment.
Deposits can be made by credit card at the clinic or over the phone or by direct deposit.
Please phone our reception desk on 08 9257 1600
Or deposit to ANZ account;
Name: Kalamunda Veterinary Clinic
BSB: 016 341
Account number: 253119907
Reference: Kyla plus your name
Please let me know that you’ve made a deposit by sending an email to
Containers for change
You can now donate your next batch of recyclable containers to Kyla's Furry Friends, using the scheme ID C10469204 at your next drop off location.
Your donation would be contributing to helping the patients that need it most.
Not only that, but you would also be minimising the environmental impact of producing new products, reducing what ends up in landfill, creating local jobs, helping keep our environment clean and saving our precious wildlife.